Administrative Procedures

AP 101: Three Year School Plan

AP 110: School-Parent Advisory Committee

AP 111: Elders Advisory Committee

AP 112: Elders in Residence Program

AP 112A: Elders in Residence Program Form

AP 121: Policies and Administrative Procedures Development, Review, and Distribution

AP 130: School Year

AP 140A: Responsible Use of Technology - Students

AP 140B: Responsible Use of Technology - Staff

AP 150: KTCEA Communications

AP 150A: KTCEA Communications Request Checklist

AP 151: School Social Media and Website Communication Standards

AP 155: Event Protocols

AP 156: Visitor Protocol

AP 175: Respectful Work and Learning Environment Guidelines

AP 176: Parent and Community Concerns and Complaints

AP 176A: KTCEA Parent and Community Concerns Form

AP 176B: KTCEA Concerns and Complaints Poster

AP 190: Use of Copyright Materials

AP 191: Copyright and Intellectual Property

AP 192: Research Projects Academic Partnerships

AP 200: Organization for Instruction and Curriculum Delivery

AP 205: KTCEA Common Consistent Curriculum

AP 206: Land Based Learning Activities and Camps

AP 210: Early Childhood Services Programs

AP 211: Inclusive Education Programs

AP 212: Literacy

AP 213: Numeracy

AP 215: Career and Technology Studies Foundations

AP 221: Outreach Schools Programs

AP 225: Fine Arts

AP 230: Online Education

AP 240: Career Counselling

AP 260: Field Trips and Excursions

AP 260A: Field Trips Approval Requirements

AP 260B: Field Trip Request Form

AP 261: Sports Program

AP 280: Learning Resources and Materials

AP 300: School Admittance Age

AP 304: Independent Students

AP 306: Student Placement

AP 307: Student Information System

AP 308: Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI)

AP 310: Supervision of Students

AP 315: Students - Student Health Services

AP 316: Administering Medical Treatment to Students

AP 316A: Action Steps for Anaphylaxis Management

AP 316B: How to Use the Epi-Pen Auto-Injector

AP 316C: Differences asthma and allergies

AP AP 316D: Administering Medical Treatment - Responsibilities of the Bus Drivers

AP 318: Student Health - Pediculosis - Head Lice

AP 320: Student Records

AP 322: Legal Custody of Children

AP 330: Student Attendance

AP 330A: Attendance Taking Procedures & Rules

AP 333: Children in Need of Interventions

AP 350: Student Conduct

AP 351: Student Conduct on the Bus

AP 360: Student Evaluation

AP 362: Specialized Assessment

AP 365: High School Course Challenge Assessments

AP 401: Employee Code of Conduct

AP 402: Employee Definitions

AP 403: Staff Recruitment

AP 404: New Employee Orientation Onboarding

AP 405: Employee Records

AP 406: Teacher Assignments

AP 407: Non-Certified Resource Personnel

AP 408: Recognizing Teaching Experience

AP 409: Probationary Period Guidelines

AP 410: Employment and Consulting Contracts

AP 417: Performance Development Reviews for Non-Instructional Employees

AP 418: Staff Professional Development Opportunities

AP 421: Attendance and Reporting

AP 422: Job-Protected Leaves

AP 422A: Leave for Traditional Aboriginal Practices

AP 423: Sick Leave

AP 424: General Holidays

AP 425: Annual Vacations

AP 426: Unauthorized Absence

AP 427: Benefits and Retirement Savings Program

AP 428: Reimbursement of Moving Expenses

AP 431: Addressing Employee Concerns or Complaints

AP 432: Conflict of Interest

AP 433: Employee Participation in Political Activity

AP 434: Employment External to KTCEA

AP 441: Staff Resignations

AP 442: Employee Discipline and Termination

AP 451: Workplace Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities

AP 460: Work From Home Guidelines

AP 462: Home Visitation

AP 490: Volunteers

AP 501: Budget Development

AP 502: Budget Monitoring

AP 503: Delegation of Authority

AP 510: External Audit

AP 511: Investigations Protocol

AP 513: Travel and Expense Claims

AP 514: Payroll and Other Employment Expenses

AP 515: Procurements and Payments

AP 516: Use of Credit Card

AP 520: Banking

AP 521: Revenue and Receipts

AP 522: Borrowing

AP 523: Fundraising, Donations and Sponsorship

AP 530: Insurance

AP 530A: Vehicle Insurance Claims

AP 535: Investment Monitoring

AP 540: Inventory Management

AP 541: Capital Asset Management

AP 601: Acquisition, Inventory and Disposal of Property - Furnishings and Equipment

AP 602: Use of Equipment and Materials

AP 603: Warehouse Storage

AP 604: Flag Protocol

AP 606: Maintenance Schedules

AP 607: Facilities and Equipment Maintenance

AP 607A: Groundskeeping

AP 608: Playground Equipment, Inspections and Repair

AP 609: Maintenance Requests

AP 610: Access to Buildings

AP 611: Custodial Schedules and Duties

AP 612: Custodial Supply Orders

AP 613: Environmental Considerations

AP 615: Hazardous Materials

AP 616: Community Use of Schools

AP 625: Management of KTCEA and School Acquired Vehicles

AP 626: Transportation Eligibility

AP 627: Student Transportation Services

AP 628: Contract Bus Routes

AP 629: Bus Stops

AP 630: Transportation Safety Procedures

AP 630A: School Bus Safety - Students and Parent Responsibilities

AP 630B: Driver Responsibilities and Licensing

AP 632: Driver Hours of Service

AP 633: School Bus Cancellations

AP 634A: Student Transportation in KTCEA Vehicles

AP 634B: Student Transportation in Private Vehicles

AP 636: Fuel Purchasing

AP 640: Food Services Program

AP 641: Student Nutrition and Menu Planning

AP 642: Cook Ratio

AP 645: Kitchen Procedures

AP 646: Kitchen Cleanliness and Sanitation

AP 647: Kitchen Safety

AP 648: Kitchen Storage Guidelines

AP 654: Provision of Cell Phones to Staff

AP 655: Provision of Devices to Students

AP 655A: Student Device Usage Form

AP 656: Network and Data Security

AP 657: Network Access While on Leave

AP 660: Social Media

AP 661: Video Surveillance

AP 662: Software Licensing

AP 671: Provision of Housing or Accommodation

AP 672: Pets in Rental Units

AP 673: Maintenance and Repair Requests

AP 674: Appliances and Furnishings

AP 675: Summer Rental Program

AP 680: General Occupational Health and Safety

AP 681: Joint Health and Safety Committee

AP 682: Personal Protective Equipment

AP 683: Ergonomics

AP 688: Pandemic Health and Safety Plan

AP 690: Safety Management System

AP 691: Incident Management

AP 692: Emergency Plans and Drills

AP 693: Emergency Response Measures

AP 694: Authority and School Level Emergency Response Plan

AP 695: Animals in School